The websites listed on this page have been vetted for CIPA, COPPA, and FERPA compliancy. The websites are not paid for or managed by MCOE Library Services and only listed as a safe digital resource to use

The paid resources available to districts that have a media agreement with MCOE Library Services can be found on the ‘Premium Resources‘ page after signing in with Google.

Born Learning

Explore ways to turn everyday moments into fun learning opportunities.

California School Dashboard

California School Dashboard.

Camp Green Meadows

MCOE Camp Green Meadows Outdoor School.

Ca Dept of Education

California Department of Education website.

Common Core Standards

Link to the Common Core Standards website.

Common Sense Education for digital citizenship, child safety, and more.

CSU Stanislaus

CSU Stanislaus website.

Eureka Math - embarc

Teach critical thinking through argumentative writing.

Merced College

Merced Community College.


This program is established to administer State and Federal supported child care for families.

MCOE ASSETS After School

Link to MCOE ASSETS – after school program.

MCOE Head Start

MCOE Head Start Program.

Merced County Work Permits

All minors under age 18, including minors employed by parents, (ED.C.49141) must have a Work Permit except if minor has graduated from high school.

Next Generation Science Standard

Improving Science Education Through Three-Dimensional Learning.

Oakdale Unified Math Homework Help

Engage New York (ENY) Homework provides additional practice for math that is learned in class.

Scholastic Parents

Expert advice on children’s books & reading, arts & crafts, activities & school achievement.

Smarter Balanced - SBAC

Trustworthy tween (5-8) news site from the Smithsonian.

Smarter Balanced - SBAC Practice test

Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests.

UC Merced

Established in 2005, UC Merced was founded to “address chronically low levels of educational attainment in the region.”


Find government information on education including primary, secondary, and higher education.